Saturday, June 13, 2009

Everyday life...

I wouldn't have noticed if someone hadn't pointed her out--Catherine Keener, an actress in 'Being John Malkovich' and '40 Year Old Virgin', was at the park while our lab had its picnic.

One of my co-workers got pictures with her in the background. Truthfully, she looked very 'hippy' and the picture my co-worker got was very clear and not at all flattering. Once she noticed that we noticed her, she quickly vamoosed from the park.

It's too bad that she didn't stay and enjoy her friends' picnic. We wouldn't have bothered her if she had stayed... but maybe she's skittish because she has had bad experiences with paparazzi.

Anyways, it just made the picnic more fun and let us talk about the 'famous' people we've all seen.

Just last week some of my friends saw the Governator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) during a Saturday morning run (which I skipped) and they all shook his hand. Being star-struck, one of my friends told the Governor that he was doing a good job--to which Schwarzenegger gave him a sort of funny look. Afterwards, my friend beat himself up about it since he is a school teacher! And education is just one of the many services that is losing funding during this horrible California budget debacle.

Yah, California is sort of imploding on itself right now. But we can still see movie stars at the park or on a early morning run. I guess that's our consolation prize (wah wah wah wahhhhhh).

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