Saturday, December 27, 2008

The state of television today

The thing about Christmas vacation is that everything is rushed and stressed before Christmas, but relatively boring and anti-climactic afterwards. I normally have just antenna t.v., and I've been taking advantage of my parents' Dish Network t.v. while visiting them.

This is what I've learned from t.v. these few days:

1. Surfers in Southern California have a history of being territorial and have attacked other surfers they consider non-locals. I watched a really bad half-hour documentary to learn this on the Documentary Network.

2. There is a battle brewing in New Zealand over milk containing A1 casein versus A2 casein. A study has showed that A1 casein containing cows milk is linked to diabetes, and there are claims that it is also linked to brain development issues (e.g. autism). A2 containing cows milk apparently does not have these links and is closer to the milk made by humans. The battle is brewing because most milk in Europe, New Zealand and Australia is A1 milk and switching over to A2 would mean changing over to Jersey and Guernsey instead of Holstein milk cows. (The U.S. sells mainly A1 milk also)

3. There are scientists who argue for 'geo-enviromental engineering' machines/devices to reverse climate change. They have tested things like CO2 scrubbers and pumps to move ocean water from one part of the ocean to another. What could have been really interesting t.v. turned out to be more crappy semi-science and what I consider to be a really bad idea. Truthfully, instead of trying to create clouds to reduce the warming effect of the sun, shouldn't we just do stuff that works with nature to prevent the need for artificial clouds?

4. You should not wear skinny jeans unless you are a skinny and tall person yourself.

5. 'House' is one of the few re-runs that I can stand to watch over and over again.

6. Ghosts are people who have died and have not passed on. Spirits are people who have died, passed on, and 'return' to us every now and then. Poltergeists are ghosts that are up to no good. And Angels are 'different' beings and were never humans. Getting rid of ghosts in a house is apparently as easy as lighting a few candles and telling them to go away.

Even with a few hundred t.v. channels, it is a struggle to find anything worthwhile as my list above indicates. I'm satisfied with having antenna t.v. and just watching the specific cable shows that I enjoy online at or other online t.v. sites. I might miss some stuff like the documentaries on milk production, but I waste a lot less time watching the other garbage.

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