But this did not deter the girl and she adopted another gnome, Olaf, and placed him on her front patio out of sight from people on the sidewalk:
All was well in Gardenland when one day, a baby deer statuette appeared in the garden where Floyd had once been. How did this happen? and Where did the deer come from? The girl enjoyed the deer and left it in the garden for everybody to enjoy. But one day, a month later, the deer statuette also disappeared. The girl was once again sad :(
She adopted another tiny gnome named Steve and placed him next to her banana plant on the second floor patio:
And one day at the zoo, the girl saw a cute little pink flamingo and she adopted it to keep Steve company:
But the girl never forgot about little Floyd, her first gnome. Until one day, her sister-in-law sent her a huge surprise! Floyd (facsmilie) came home! This time, the girl put Floyd next to Steve so the two could frolick in the dirt together:
The End.
I'm glad you like your gnome - I thought he looked like he needed a good home. :-)
Thanks! And now my other gnome has a friend to hang out with :)
You're silly!
Hey, Sharon! I've got a blog! You can check it out!
Cool Alison, I'll check it out!
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